Daycare Schedule
06:00 – 09:00 Roll-Call
Drop-offs can ONLY be done within this timeframe. All puppies and tiny dogs are grouped together in one section and all medium dogs in another for light play and roll call. Our large kids are always in a section on their own and don’t change.
09:00 – 09:30 Section Change and Puppy Breakfast
Small and medium kids are merged together to play. All groups are given toys to play with while we feed the puppies their breakfasts.
09:30 – 11:00 Group Fetch and Organized Games
With the dogs divided into groups, based on energy-levels and size, we can play fetch with all of our ball besotted kids, ensuring that games, activities and play are conducted safely. Those not interest in fetch usually chase the others up and down anyway, or take part in other activities, like playing in water tubs or doing group digging in the allocated areas.
11:00 – 13:00 Nap-time and Lunch
Dogs are gathered in a large, spacious room filled with beds of varying sizes to put up their paws and sleep, or simply relax. During this time dogs will be individually fed lunch (where required), assessed, cuddled and talked to, as well as brushed when/if needed.
13:00 – 15:00 Group Activities
Dogs remain together for light play, allowing for more supervision. During this time, those in need of more exercise can use the carpet-mill (treadmill designed for dogs) and/or swim. Others can run around or cool off in splash tubs and of course the favourite is tug-of-war.
15:00 – 16:00 Individual Group Games
Dogs are again divided into groups, based on energy-levels and size, for organized high-activity games.
16:00 – 18:00 Wind down
Dogs are grouped together again, allowing for a smooth collection process, and enjoy light play.
Early socialization is very important and it’s best to get your puppy used to other puppies and even large and older dogs before they reach what is known as the ‘hazard avoidance stage’, which for most breeds is around 14 weeks. Up until this stage everything and everyone is new and exciting and it’s essential that your puppy has positive experiences in a safe environment.